a mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one." Carlyle
Volume One Number Twelve
December 1953
Why Doesn't The Damned Thing Ring!
Images, a poem
Death in a Royal Family
Jingle, You Belles You!
The Voice in the Vase
page 3
page 9
James Barr
page 11
Saul K.
page 15
Elizabeth Lalo
page 18
Mike Schwartz
page 21
ONE Magazine is published monthly at twenty-five cents per copy (plus postage for mailing), subscriptions are two dollars per year in the United States and Canada, all other countries three dollars; for sealed first class in the United States three dollars. Publication Offices: 232 South Hill Street, Los Angeles 12, California. Editor-in-Chief: Dale Jennings. Editorial Staff: Eve Elloree, Ann Carll Reid. Contributing Editors: Donald Webster Cory, Martin Block, Don Slater Business Manager: William Lambert. Not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts. unless stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Copyright 1953 by ONE, Inc., Los Angeles, California.